Darla Kim: Hidden Gems Of The Workforce That Successful Businesses Benefit From!

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About Deaf Ability Resource
Darla brings to Deaf Ability Resource a record of exceptional leadership and strategic vision with a broad knowledge of Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and the business of providing employment and supportive services to persons with disabilities. Darla served 7 years appointed from the state of CA to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Committee and continues to advocate for equal access and opportunity for all populations at every level of legislation.
Prior to providing social services to the community, Darla served internationally as a missionary to 25 different countries. Darla uses this experience in embracing culture, language, and people in all she does and understands that relationships are the treasure of life. Darla is a mother and grandmother and loves to spend time with her family. Her love of reading, travel, and music brings her much joy and her work is really who she is and not just what she does.
Darla brings to Deaf Ability Resource a record of exceptional leadership and strategic vision with a broad knowledge of Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and the business of providing employment and supportive services to persons with disabilities. Darla served 7 years appointed from the state of CA to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Committee and continues to advocate for equal access and opportunity for all populations at every level of legislation.
Prior to providing social services to the community, Darla served internationally as a missionary to 25 different countries. Darla uses this experience in embracing culture, language, and people in all she does and understands that relationships are the treasure of life. Darla is a mother and grandmother and loves to spend time with her family. Her love of reading, travel, and music brings her much joy and her work is really who she is and not just what she does.
About Episode
- Being deaf is not an impairment, it’s an identity.
- “I am a hearing person but I have a deaf heart.”
- Instead of using the term hearing-impaired, we focus on the person first. e.g. a person who is deaf.
- Deaf Ability Resource provides everything that has to do with employment.
- “Our focus is the ability, not the disability.”
- Also serves the general public but still has its focus on the deaf.
- All clients come from the Department of Rehabilitation.
- “I have a thing about justice and equality.”
- Core Values: Integrity, Justice, and Service
- “My signing was able to bring out a voice that I felt good in.”
- “My talking voice helps their non-verbal voice.”
- ASL is more than a voice. It’s a compounded language.
- Through American Sign Language learned a lot about people and became an expert in reading people.
- Advocates for clear masks for better communication for the deaf.
- Pre-employment services. Teaches deaf beforehand how to do anything that has to do with their work.
- Short-term support.
- DO all the things that help you stay on the job.
- Retention. Follow up on hired candidates for 3 months.
- BUSINESS MOTTO: “Follow-up and follow-through.”
- Advancements in technology was a boom for DAR.
- “It’s not about what you cannot do. What can you do?”
- “I’m kind of like the eagle’s nest mom.”
- DAR is at 65% placement.
- “You take care of the people, the numbers will take care of themselves.”
- Certified under the state of California, the marketing is already in place under the Department of Rehabilitation
- “What I do, I do well. What I don’t do well I don’t do.”
- “If they come to us, they’re gonna get a job.”
- Relationship-building is very important. It starts with relationships and continuing it through.
- “If you don’t have those relationships in place, it’s not gonna work.”
- “Relationships really got me started.”
- The only thing they can not do is hear.
- Very focused, detail-oriented.
- Would bring a whole new different language to your organization
- “Enjoy your similarities. Embrace your differences.”
- Your Sign Name is such a sweet gift that only the deaf can give to you.
- We still have ways to go.
- Not enough awareness in other organizations.
Resources and Important Links
Darla Kim – Empty Out The Negativity by Joel Osteen
Darla Kim – Empty Out The Negativity by Joel Osteen
How you can listen and access the show
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