Serena Ryan: Think Differently About School For Your Kids!

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About The Confident Homeschooler
Serena is passionate about Homeschooling, Online Marketing, & FREEDOM! Her vision and dream is to inspire families to obtain ultimate freedom through creating the online business of their dreams. Serena and her husband Andy coach homeschoolpreneurs on how to create this business from scratch and how to scale and launch their products to create impact, income, and freedom!
In 2018, Serena started launch/ business coaching alongside Andy and found a new passion. After many coffee chats and deep dives into their vision for the future, Andy and Serena decided to commit to helping other Homeschooling Families create the freedom that they’ve been able to create. Homeschooling is definitely one piece of that puzzle and owning your own online business is another crucial piece. They are driven by a passion to help other families balance both running an online business and homeschooling their children.
Serena is passionate about Homeschooling, Online Marketing, & FREEDOM! Her vision and dream is to inspire families to obtain ultimate freedom through creating the online business of their dreams. Serena and her husband Andy coach homeschoolpreneurs on how to create this business from scratch and how to scale and launch their products to create impact, income, and freedom!
In 2018, Serena started launch/ business coaching alongside Andy and found a new passion. After many coffee chats and deep dives into their vision for the future, Andy and Serena decided to commit to helping other Homeschooling Families create the freedom that they’ve been able to create. Homeschooling is definitely one piece of that puzzle and owning your own online business is another crucial piece. They are driven by a passion to help other families balance both running an online business and homeschooling their children.
About Episode
In this episode we sit down for a chat with the dynamic duo – Serena & Andy Ryan and discuss the ins and outs of ‘The Confident Homeschooler’. Here, they share their passion for entrepreneurship as they talk about their collaboration and how they compliment each other as a couple and rely on each other’s strengths.
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